For those who miss Tumblr, there's now an alternative. BDSMLR is a copy of Tumblr, only less sophisticated. It's where I found this image. Despite the fact it's an ad and not a femdom image, the women in red ooze femdom. Looking at their hair, their probably from a different planet, perhaps the Empire of a Hundred Suns from the Yapoo novels.
The reality is much more fun. These images are from a photoshoot that called the Cardinals. The photographer is Jan Osipyan for hair care brand Schwarzkopf Professional Russia. They're stunning images but I'd never have guessed they were for a shampoo commercial. Osipyan shot these images in 2016 or earlier. He doesn't look very active these days, so this is all the information I have. You can find more of his work on As for the shampoo, at least now you know which brand to buy mistress next time. I guess